A new contest is beginning May 31! It ends July 31!
• How do I find an award?
Click on this picture every time you see
it. It will bring you to a page with an award. (That's right, no more pages
that say "Sorry, try again!").
• What happens if I don't answer the questions
Then you don't get the award. Don't worry,
if you don't get it right the first time, you can try again!
• How do I find the awards?
You search for this symbol:
You click on the symbol, and it will lead
you to one of the awards. Here's what an award page will look like *Note:
None of these examples are the real awards.*
The Scyther Award!
The award's HTML will be here.
The award's password will be here.
This award should be put in the Awards section of your site. |
• What are these passwords?
They will be on each page, and are there
so that I will know whoever found the award really found the award.
• What do I do when I find an award?
You memorize the password and the award's
name, or write it down on a piece of paper or something. Just remember
• What do I do when I find all three awards?
E-mail me with the awards and the passwords.
Also, e-mail me with your name and website(If you have one). Example:
I found The Scyther Award and the password
is Raichu.
I found The Porygon Plaque and the password
is Computer.
I found the Charmander Prize and the password
is Blaze.
My name: Someone
My website: I don't have a website.
• What are you going to do with my name
and website?
I'm going to put it in a Hall of Fame.