Quick Guide to reading Pokedex
Pokémon's Picture(They came from Growlithe's Pokémon Homelands.)
•#Pokémon's number Pokémon's name
Pokémon's type
Evoulution (If this is a Pokémon that doesn't evolve it will say NONE.)
Where you catch the pokémon
•#50 Diglett
Looks like a hairless, tan, mole poking out of the ground. Has an oval red nose, and two eyes.
Evolves into Dugtrio at level 26!
Found in Vermillion city.
Good against fire, electric, poison, and rock pokémon. Not good against grass, flying, and bug types.
•#51 Dugtrio
Looks like three Digletts together. Diglett doesn't actually evolve, just three Digletts join together.
Found in Vermillion City(It's very rare, though in some games. Try buying repel, and putting a pokémon higher then level 26 at the top of your team if you can't find one.)
Good against fire, electric, poison, and rock pokémon. Not good against grass, flying, and bug types.
•#52 Meowth
Looks like a cat with a gold charm at the forehead.
Evolves into a Persian at level 28.
Found near Lavender Town, Celadon city, and Vermillion city.
Doesn't really have a strength against any type(Are you noticing a pattern with normal pokémon?), but is bad against ghost and rock types.
•#53 Persian
Looks like a cat. The gold charm is gone, replaced by a red circle.
You must evolve a Meowth.
Doesn't really have a strength against any type(Are you noticing a patern with normal pokémon?), but is bad against ghost and rock types.
•#54 Psyduck
Looks like a yellow duck. In the TV show, Psyduck looks weak and stupid, but it's not! Psyduck learns attacks like Disable, Confusion, Fury Swipes, and Hydro Pump!!!
Evolves into Golduck at level 33
Found in Cerulean City(In Misty's Gym!), and Sea Foam Islands.
Good against Fire, Ground, Rock, but bad against plant, electric, dragon, and other water pokémon.
•#55 Golduck
A blue Psyduck, with a red circle at the head, and a longer tail. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Gwappa.
Found in Sea Foam Islands.
Good against Fire, Ground, Rock, but bad against plant, electric, dragon, and other water pokémon.
•#56 Mankey
Looks sort of like a piece of dust, with monkey-like hands, legs, eyes, and tail. Has two pointy ears.
Evolves into Primape at level 28.
Found near Saffron City, Vermillion city, Cerulean City, and Celadon City.(You need the red version to capture Mankey)
Good against Normal, Ice, and Rock types. Bad against Poison, Flying, Psychic, and bug types.
•#57 Primeape
Looks like Mankey, only has punching gloves!
You must evolve a Mankey to capture this one!
Good against Normal, Ice, and Rock types. Bad against Poison, Flying, Psychic, and bug types.
•#58 Growlithe
An orange dog with black stripes, and has a white tail, stomach, and crest.
Evolves into Arcanine with a Fire Stone!
Found around Saffron City, and on Cinnabar Island(You need red version to capture Growlithe)
Good against ice, plant, and bug types. Bad against water, rock, dragon, and other fire pokémon.
•#59 Arcanine
Growlithe grows larger, grows fur around the paws, and looks more tough.
You must evolve a Growlithe to capture this one!
Good against ice, plant, and bug types. Bad against water, rock, dragon, and other fire pokémon.
•#60 Poliwag
A tadpole pokémon, with a spiral on it's stomach(The spiral twirls to the left).
Evolves into Poliwhirl at level 25, then evolves with a Water Stone!
Use your super rod at Cerulean City, Viridian City, Pallet town, Pokémon League, and Vermillion City!
Good against fire and ground types. Bad against electric, plant, dragon, and other water pokémon.
•#61 Poliwhirl
It doesn't have a tail anymore, and grows two legs. Note that the spiral has reversed in direction.
Evolves into Poliwrath if exposed to a Water Stone
Use your Super Rod in Celadon City, near Cerulean city, and around Lavender Town.
Good against fire and ground types. Bad against electric, plant, dragon, and other water pokémon.
•#62 Poliwrath
Water and fighting
Same thing as Poliwhirl, but the attack stats dramaticly increase, and it becomes larger.
Need to evolve Poliwhirl to capture this one!
Good against fire and ground types. Bad against electric, plant, dragon, and other water pokémon.
•#63 Abra
Looks like an oddly shaped cat with strange hands and brown shield-like things on the shoulder, around the stomach, and a brown stripe on the tail. Abra sleeps 18 hours a day.. Maybe that's why people always show it with it's eyes closed.
Evolves into Kadabra at level 16.
Found in Cerulean City and earn it at the Rocket Game Corner.
Good against fighting, and poison types.. But weak against other psychic pokémon.
•#64 Kadabra
An Abra that stands up, often shown with a spoon and has a mustache. It opens it's eyes, too. Maybe it spends less time sleeping?
Evolves when you capture it.
Found in the Unknown Dungeon.
Good against fighting, and poison types.. But weak against other psychic pokémon.
•#65 Alakazam
A larger version of Kadabra, with a larger mustache. People usually draw it with two spoons! It's supposed to have an IQ of 5000!
Must evolve a Kadabra to capture.
Good against fighting, and poison types.. But weak against other psychic pokémon.
•#66 Machop
A gray human-like pokémon with three yellow crests on it's head, and red eyes. It's one of the smartest pokémon! When you capture it in Rock Tunnel, all it knows is "Karate Chop."
Evolves at level 28.
Catch it in Rock Tunnel and Victory Road!
Good against Normal, ice, and rock pokémon.. Don't use it when battling a poison, flying, psychic, and bug pokémon..
•#67 Machoke
A more muscular Machop. It's so strong, it needs a special belt to control it's movements. By the time Machop evolves, it has learned Low kick, leer, and Karate chop!
Evolves when you trade it.
Catch it in Victory Road.
Good against Normal, ice, and rock pokémon.. Don't use it when battling a poison, flying, psychic, and bug pokémon..
•#68 Machamp
A larger Machoke, with an extra set of arms. Machamp is used my one member of the Elite Four.
You must trade a Machoke.
Good against Normal, ice, and rock pokémon.. Don't use it when battling a poison, flying, psychic, and bug pokémon..
•#69 Bellsprout
Poison and grass
A plant with bell-like head. It's "arms" are leaves, and it's body is a root. It walks with the bottom of the root.
Evolves into Weepinbell at level 21.
Found in Cerulean City, Vermillion City, Celadon City, and near Fuschia City.(Need blue version to capture it)
Good against water, but avoid battling it with a fire, another poison, flying, dragon, bug, and ghost types.
•#70 Weepinbell
Poison and grass.
A bell with leaves for arms. It's mouth is at the bottom of the bell. Train it before you evolve it! This way, it'll learn Razor leaf, Stun spore, acid, and slam!
Evolves with a leaf stone.
Found near Fuschia City.(Need blue version to capture it.)
Good against water, but avoid battling it with a fire, another poison, flying, dragon, bug, and ghost types.
•#71 Victreebel
Poison and grass
A large bell with leaves for arms, the hole in a bell is at the top of the pokémon, and a leaf covers the hole.
You must evolve a Weepinbel to capture one.
Good against water, but avoid battling it with a fire, another poison, flying, dragon, bug, and ghost types.
•#72 Tentacool
Water and poison
A jellyfish pokémon. Tentacools are a little tough to battle with because, unlike most water pokémon, it's not weak to plant attacks!
Evolves into Tentacruel at level 30.
Find it in the waters around Sea Foam island, and Cinnabar island. Tentacool is the only water pokémon that attacks you without using a fishing rod.
Good against fire and bug types. Don't battle it with a water, electric, dragon, poison, and ghost pokémon..
•#73 Tentacruel
Water and poison.
A jellyfish pokémon. It has large stingers and learns wonderful attacks, like supersonic, hydro pump, and acid!
You must evolve a Tentacool.
Good against fire and bug types. Don't battle it with a water, electric, dragon, poison, and ghost pokémon..
•#74 Geodude
Rock and ground
A boulder-like pokémon with arms. Somehow, it's able to float in the air! It's best attacks are Earthquake and Rock throw, I think!
Evolves into Graveler at level 25!
Mt. Moon, Rock tunnel, and Victory road.
Good against fire, ice, electric, poison, and flying types. Don't match it with a fighting, ground, or grass pokémon..
•#75 Graveler
Rock and ground
Geodude grows layers of rocks, gets an extra pair of arms, and a pair of legs!
Evolves into a Golem by trading it!
Victory road, and rock tunnel!
Good against fire, ice, electric, poison, and flying types. Don't match it with a fighting, ground, or grass pokémon..
•#76 Golem
Rock and ground.
It's body is a round boulder. It has two legs, two arms, and a head sticking out of the boulder.
You must trade a Graveler.
Good against fire, ice, electric, poison, and flying types. Don't match it with a fighting, ground, or grass pokémon..
•#77 Ponyta
A white pony with fire for a mane, tail, and at the legs. It's able to refrain from burning people it trusts.
At level 40, it evolves into Rapidash.
Found in Cinnabar Island.
Bad against water, rock, dragon, and other fire pokémon. Send it into battle when you are battling someone with a plant, ice, or bug pokémon.
•#78 Rapidash
Has a longer mane and tail then Ponyta. I've noticed that when it evolves, it's speed really goes up!
Must evolve a Ponyta.
Bad against water, rock, dragon, and other fire pokémon. Send it into battle when you are battling someone with a plant, ice, or bug pokémon.
•#79 Slowpoke
Water and psychic
Looks a little like a small, pink hippopotamous, with a long, white-tipped tail.
Evolves into Slowbro at level 37.
Capture it in Celadon city.
Bad against psychic, dragon, water, electric, and grass pokémon. Good against fire, ground, rock, fighting, and poison pokémon.
•#80 Slowbro
Water and psychic
A crab pokémon has attached to it's tail. Slowbro learns the attack, psychic! It sounds like a stupid attack, but it isn't! It usually knocks out all pokémon, except for those that are good against psychic pokémon!
Catch it at Pokémon League!
Bad against psychic, dragon, water, electric, and grass pokémon. Good against fire, ground, rock, fighting, and poison pokémon.
•#81 Magnemite
A mechanical pokémon. It has two magnets attached to it's body, three screws, and one eye. The magnets on it really work!
Evolves into Magneton at level 30.
Capture it at the power plant!
Good when battling a water and flying pokémon, but it's a bad idea to battle it against a grass, dragon, or anyother electric pokémon.
•#82 Magneton
Magneton doesn't really evolve. Like Digletts, Magneton are three Magnemites that have joined together. In the game, around Vermillion City, there's a trainer with a level 18 Magneton! But they don't join together until level thirty!
Capture it in the Unknown Dungeon and Power Plant.
Good when battling a water and flying pokémon, but it's a bad idea to battle it against a grass, dragon, or anyother electric pokémon.
•#83 Farfetch'd
Normal and flying
A duck pokémon. It has brown feathers, with a white stomach. It has a "V" shaped mark below the crest on the head. It's often seen carrying sprigs of green onions around.
Someone wants to trade a Spearow for a Farfeth'd in Vermillion city.
Good against ground, grass, and bug types. But don't battle it against rock and electric attacks.
•#84 Doduo
Normal and flying.
An ostrich-like pokémon without wings. It has two heads, and like ostriches, it doesn't need to fly! It can run extremely fast!
Evolves at level 31 into Dodrio
Catch it in Fuschia City.
Good against ground, grass, and grass types. But don't battle it against a rock or electric type..
•#85 Dodrio
Normal and flying
An ostriche-like pokémon with -You guessed it- three heads. Has no wings, but grows a tail in evolution, and each head grows a crest.
Catch it in the Unknown Dungeon.
Good against ground, grass, and grass types. But don't battle it against a rock or electric type..
•#86 Seel
A Seel with a horn on it's head. It has two teeth sticking out of it's mouth.
Evolves into Dewgong at level 34.
Capture it in Sea Foam islands!
Good against fire, ground, rock, but bad against electric, grass, dragon, and other water types.
•#87 Dewgong
Water and Ice
A seal with a horn. It's canine teeth show. After evolving, Seel gets some ice pokémon traits.
Found in Sea Foam islands.
Good against fire, ground, rock, but bad against electric, grass, dragon, and other water types.
•#88 Grimer
Looks like purple sludge with eyes.
Evolves into Muk at level 38.
Found in Cinnabar Island.
Good against grass and bug types, but not good against ground, rock, ghost, and other poison types.
•#89 Muk
Looks a lot like Grimer.
Found in Cinnabar Island.
Good against grass and bug types, but not good against ground, rock, ghost, and other poison types.
•#90 Shellder
An oyster pokémon. It's sticks it's tongue out at opponets, to annoy them.
Evolves into Cloyster with a Water stone.
Found around Lt. Surge's gym.
Good against water, ground, and fire pokémon, but don't match it with a grass, ghost, electric, or another water type.
•#91 Cloyster
Water and ice
An oyster pokémon. I hope you waited to evolve it at level 50; Shellder leanrs Ice Beam at that level, and when evolved at that level, Cloyster learns Spike Cannon!
You must evolve a Shellder.
Good against water, ground, and fire pokémon, but don't match it with a grass, ghost, electric, or another water type.
•#92 Gastly
Ghost and Poison
One black ball, surrounded by mist. It has a huge mouth and pair of eyes. Gastly is the most common ghost pokémon you will find. But before you have a chance to capture it, you need the Silph Scope!
Evolves into Haunter at level 25
Catch it at Lavender Tower.
Good against normal, grass, and bug types.. But avoid using Haunter against rock, poison, and ground types.
•#93 Haunter
Ghost and Poison
Purple entirely, with claws, and is surrounded by mist. Right after evolving, it learns Dream Eater and Hypnosis! Both are great attacks, except if the opponet isn't asleep, Dream eater never works. You must use Hypnosis!
Evolves when you trade it.
Catch it at Lavender Tower(Try searching on the last floor of the tower).
Good against normal, grass, and bug types.. But avoid using Gengar against rock, poison, and ground types.
•#94 Gengar
Ghost and Poison
The eyes turn orange, it grows legs, a tail, and is said to make shadows at night to scare people. When the trick works, Gengar laughs at their terror!
You MUST trade a Haunter.
Good against normal, grass, and bug types.. But avoid using Gastly against rock, poison, and ground types.
•#95 Onix
Rock and ground
It looks like a snake made out of rock. It's the longest pokémon on the Pokédex; It's twenty-eight feet and ten inches long. This pokémon may seem tough, but can faints after you use Vine Whip attack against it.
Catch it in Victory Road and Rock Tunnel.
Good against normal, electric, ice, bug, and fire types. But don't use it against a Fighting, water, or grass type.
•#96 Drowzee
A tapir-like pokémon that walks on two legs. Did you know that the Pokedex on the pokémon TV show says that Drowzee may have descended from the dream-eating tapir?
Evolves into Hypno at level 26.
Try searching for it around Vermillion City.
Good against fighting pokémon, but it's psychic attacks don't really effect other psychic types.
•#97 Hypno
Drowzee grows taller, and a mane agound the neck.
Try searching in the Unknown Dungeon
Good against fighting pokémon, but it's psychic attacks don't really effect other psychic types.
•#98 Krabby
A crab-like pokémon. Let it learn this attack called "Guillotine." It knocks out the opponet in one strike!
Evolves into Kingler at level 28.
Try searching around Sea Foam Islands.
Good against fire, ground, and rock types, but avoid grass, electric, and other water pokémon.
•#99 Kingler
A large crab pokémon; It's four feet tall!! And, Kinglers learn this attack called "crab hammer."
Try searching in the Unknown Dungeon and Sea Foam islands.
Good against fire, ground, and rock types, but avoid grass, electric, and other water pokémon.
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